Sunday, July 26, 2015

July 20 - 26

Another great, exhausting week has come and gone.  Time goes by so quickly, it is crazy!

First a report on my goals:

I have continued to be committed and feel good.  I have studied scriptures and exercised every morning.  I plan to VT next week now that my companion is back in town.  I also will be calendaring a temple day this upcoming week.  The kids have done a great job with having their jobs done by 10 and taking turns leading us in scripture and prayer.  They each have had 1 night to cook with me and that has been very helpful and enjoyable for me. I need to start planning a family service project and vacation for next year.

Highlights this week:

*took the kids to Riverton Park and enjoyed a picnic and play time.  The park was just recently redone and it is beautiful.

*On Wednesday, we met the Maxfields (friends from Austin that also moved here this summer) and went swimming at their neighborhood pool.  So fun to see them and catch up with Tiffany.

*Kaitlin and Lara slept over and had a lot of fun together

*On Pioneer Day, I met Karen and kids downtown.  We ate lunch at City Creek, walked around some shops, temple square and rode the train.

*John and his family came down and Erik and his family came Friday evening for dinner.  We had a fire pit and made s'mores and the kids played like crazy.  Everyone slept over.  The next day, we had homemade donuts made by Karen and the kids continued to play hard.  Mom made a ton of delicious Brazilian food that we enjoyed.  Everyone was here until about 6:00 pm Saturday.  I LOVE having family over and love that our home can handle so many guests.  Such a blessing from Heavenly Father that I'll always be grateful for!

Monday, July 20, 2015

July 13-19 2015

I had an amazing week.  I was determined to stick to my goals and stayed committed.  I feel amazing emotionally, spiritually and physically.  We really are happiest when we live a life of intention and purpose!

Highlights this week:

Mariah and Savannah (John's daughter) went to USU basketball camp together.  We met in Ogden where Fred happened to be in town from Austin for a business trip, and it was a perfect halfway point to meet.  John brought his family and Erik and Karen brought theirs and we had dinner together at the Ogden mall.  It is so good to see Fred having his sense of humor again.  Although this divorce has been devastating, his light shines brighter every time I see him, and I am relieved that he is free to love himself again.  I love my siblings so much and I think it's so neat that we do whatever we can to be together.

Jake and I went on Thursday to pick Mariah up from camp.  We watched the last hour of camp where she competed in some contests.  She won first place in 2 out of 3 of them,, and was also awarded the "Camper of the Week" award.  She was so happy and proud, and I will admit I was the mom beaming in the stands.  Love watching my kids work hard and excel in their dreams.

Afterwards we went to lunch with John, Paula and their kids.  I love being with them.  They are so very happy and proud of their little town, it just makes me smile.  I'm so happy for them.

After lunch I took Mariah and Jake to play with Heather and Jason's kids.  Always a fun time with them.  We drove by a house that they are considering buying and they treated us to these amazing snow cones that are unlike any other I've had.  The ice was smooth- not the crunchy grindy ice.  I had mango with sweetened condensed milk.  Need I say more about that awesomeness?  We stayed and had dinner then headed home.  Love love LOVE living near family.

Harrison has been asking for a desk for some time.  He loves to write and has wanted a desk like Logan and Mariah.  We went and picked out a desk for him at Ikea and spent the entire day Wednesday building it together.  He hammered and screwed the entire thing with my guidance.  He was so happy, and we both really enjoyed spending that time together.

In the midst of our move, Tyler applied for an EMBA program at the U of U.  He just "wanted to see if I'd get in."  Well, he did and suddenly we found ourselves having to make the decision to go for it or not.  The biggest concern = $$.  Tyler's employer doesn't contribute financially and the program would cost $70,000.  I have been very concerned about this as well as the added workload for Tyler.  We were blessed to get a $10,000 scholarship which helps.  We had considered deferring for a year, but after going to a luncheon, we both felt like life will never settle down, so why not get started.  So... here we go!  I'm proud of him and pray this will be a fruitful experience for our family.

Logan had a game Saturday night and for the first time since he started with this new team, he played "Logan ball" as I like to call it.  He's so good, so talented, but the pressure of not letting his coach down can some times keep him from playing his best.  He had a breakthrough Saturday and I was so proud of him.

Brad and Melisa Mons were in town on their way to a family reunion, so we had a get together with the Mons side of the family for a couple of hours.  We hosted an ice cream bar and enjoyed visiting and getting reacquainted.  Tyler had his Aunt Dyan, Uncle Kurt and Aunt Kathy there with some of their children.

Peter came to have dinner with my parents and later we went for a walk.  He said as he was driving here that he thought, "wow.  This is real.  They really pulled this off.  Tyler and Robyn moved their family here and brought Mom and Dad and they really pulled this huge undertaking off." It's so true.  We were asked to do something huge.  Something life changing, and we trusted the Lord.  His hand guided us throughout the whole process and we trusted him all along.  And now we find ourselves here and when you look back it seems like, "holy cow.. that was huge."  But it didn't feel that way.  We had many hiccups along the way, but we made it.  The Lord is so good to us.

Life is good.  I want to say once again that living the gospel is always always ALWAYS worth it.  The Lord's way IS the better way.  Because He loves us more than anyone in this world ever could and He sees the end from the beginning.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


Holy Cow!  Definitely the biggest challenge I have is follow through! Here we are in mid-July!

I went to the temple this week to seek some peace and balance in my life.  I love my life.  I have a great one!  My husband is loyal, loving and wonderful, and my children are righteous, active and amazing.  We are in a light-speed pace stage of life and my soul craves balance and peace.  Once again, I have found myself drifting from my goals and I went asking the Lord for help.  The answer that came to me:  If I want to be successful and master the art of follow through... I must return and report.  This is what this blog was created to be.  I am yet again, giving it a go.  My dear children, as you read this and roll your eyes that your mom is declaring once again, "I'm serious this time!" I chuckle along with you-- but don't forget the important lesson here:  I keep getting up and trying.  And that is something I should give myself some credit for as I move forward again.

A refresher of my goals this year and a report:

*Family Vacation:  I am going to start trying to plan a trip for a Disney Cruise this Fall for Tyler's 40th.

*2 family service projects: I have been in touch with Tyler's uncle to offer some of our help to do yard work.  I need to follow up and make sure it happens.

*Christmas Cards: It's about that time I need to schedule family pictures.  I will ask Tyler's sister to help me with that.

Date w/Tyler- Went yesterday!  Met up with the Edvik's, Hills, and Rays.  Always good company.  We ate at the Porch in Daybreak.  Expensive and not that great.  But oh, what fun conversations!!

VT- Just got my route in this new ward.  My companion introduced herself today and we have plans to go in 2 weeks.

Temple- I went on Friday.  Now that I live in Utah this will be a weekly goal.

Non Fiction Book- Yikes,, have been bad about reading books, BUT I have discovered a blog that reads like a book.  It's called The Moments We Stand.  Story about a woman who's husband was murdered.  The same night she learned her husband was killed was when she was told that he was having an affair, and it was the other husband who shot hers dead.  Terribly sad, but her mission is to share her story with the world and she speaks of Christ's atonement in every post.

Budget Review- Terrible.  We have not looked at our budget.  In fact, we need to make a new budget for our new life here.

Journal- Here I am :)

Prep pictures for photobook- Way behind.

FHE- We have been hit or miss with summer.  I am determined to put an end to that.

TED TALK- Way out of touch... this week!

Budget/Bills- Paid bills, but I do need to get that budget done!

Menu- Probably the thing I am most faithful in doing.  I do feed my family :)

Daily Essentials:

Scriptures/Calling- I am doing ok.  This week I read more of that blog, and it stole some of my scripture time away.  I will be more mindful of that this week

Exercise- 2 days this week.

Eat Clean- Getting better.  Still need to commit to the full program.

Highlights of June/July:

*My birthday.  My sweet friend, Cara, took me to lunch at Zupa's.
*BBQ's and Family Gatherings: We are having these all the time and we are usually the hosts.  It is a great feeling to have everyone over and to be reminded of why the Lord blessed us with this house.

*Cousin Temple Trip: Todd's family was coming in town, which meant that all of the Mons cousins would be here together.  We kept trying to plan something fun for all of them to do together.  My primary goal/concern was really giving the kids an opportunity to get to know each other.  We've lived away for so long and the older cousins are now teenagers.  They have been all a little quick to judge and make assumptions about each other and I've been very concerned that they wouldn't bond and enjoy the blessings of cousin-hood, if you will.  The spirit placed an idea in my mind to have a temple road trip with the cousins.  We all agreed to move forward and together we planned.  Logan went for several hours to the geneology library to try to find more names.  I engaged the help of Uncle George Mons to get some names as well.  I really wanted the kids to have at least 1 family name from the Mons side to do together.

On July 2, 2015, we (Ethan, Daniel, Logan, Ellie, and Tanner) met at the Brigham City temple at 8:00 am.   We did baptisms there and headed to the Ogden temple.  After that temple we (Jessica and I) took the kids to The Pie there in Ogden for lunch.  Then we headed to the Bountiful temple where Kari met up with us . We did baptisms there and then took the kids to the cafeteria to get a treat. From the Bountiful temple, we headed to the Jordan River Temple.  I had saved the family names and pictures (provided by Uncle George) for this temple.  This was the temple that Tyler's dad, so these kids' grandpa, returned to full activity and covenants with God before he passed away.  We went to the waiting room where I shared the stories of the people we were doing the work for and I reminded the kids that this was the place their Grandpa came right before he died.  Each kid had a Mons ancestor card in their hands as they headed to the baptism font.  Kari, Jessica and I also dressed to be baptized for a family name.  Tyler met us there and baptized all of us.  What a special, special day.  And guess what?  The bonding I had been praying for began and continues.  Some times we think we need to impress and wow our children to make an impact in their lives.  How wonderful to take these worthy cousins to spend time together doing such sacred work.  The sociality and fun came with that.  They prank called, told each other stories, laughed, created inside jokes and memories.  It was a beautiful sight.

After the Jordan River Temple, they headed to Grandma Mons' house where she had dinner prepared.  Heather and written out some questions for the kids to ask her and Grandpa Chris and we got to learn more about them.  Then she started to tell stories about the cousin's parents, her own children.  They LOVED that.

*4th of July- Wow.  What a weekend!  We headed to Logan on July 3 for a BBQ and Stadium of Fire at the USU stadium.  The kids had so, so SO much fun!  I love going to Logan.  It is my favorite place to go.  We went to see John and Paula's house there in Smithfield.  It is lovely.  They are so happy, and I am so very happy for them!  We went paddle boarding with Jason's family at First Dam then headed home for the BBQ.  Heather always does a great job hosting.  We all went to the Stadium of Fire and there was a concert, entertainment, amazing laser show, and incredible fireworks.  The next morning we went up the canyon for our traditional "breakfast in the mountains".  So good.  So beautiful.  We headed home to prepare for our party at home.  Our guests arrived around 6.  We had a BBQ with kiddie pool for the littles, a photo booth done by Mariah, S'mores at the fire pit, croquet, other yard games and lots of visiting with family.  We had 54 people here!!  I am so amazed by the home the Lord has blessed us with that enables us to host and love people.  I know my mission here in Utah is just to love our family here and others I come in contact.

*New calling- I have been called to co-teach the 14-15 year olds in Sunday school.  It turns out that my partner is Laura Richards Morrison, and she recognized me as a middle school friend.  I recognize her smile, but not much else.  It has been so fun to make that connection!

*Kids continue with basketball and scout camps.  Logan just participated in a Book of Mormon Journey that our stake puts on.  It sounded so spiritual and amazing.  He really enjoyed it.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

March and April

Well,  my goals are slipping away!  Preparing for a move is a full time job and I have had to let some other things go.

Some highlights of the past month:

1. We found a home in Utah!  3 house hunting trips later, we found the perfect house for my parents and us!!  We ended up buying in Riverton.  3558 New Private Drive.  This was by far the hardest house hunting trip for us.  We looked at so many homes.  We really wanted to live in the Davis County area, but nothing worked out for us.  We put an offer on a beautiful home in Kaysville, and they broke our hearts giving the home to someone else.  I took it so hard!  I can laugh about it now, but I was moping around like my boyfriend broke up with me or something!  The Lord is so merciful, so kind.  He more than made up for it.  I feel so at peace and EXCITED about our home.  Although Riverton wasn't our preferred area, we are seeing the benefits of living there and just can't wait.  It brings me so much joy to provide just what I felt the Lord wanted for my parents.  They have an independent space- 2,000 square feet.  A big living room, a spacious and updated kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bathroom and all the windows are above ground which provides plenty of sunlight.  They have their own doors so they can come and go as they please.  As for us, we will have 2800 sq. feet of beautiful, functional space.  The floor plan was designed for our circumstances.  And we will be on 1/2 acre of land!  We feel so very blessed.

2. Selling our home here in Texas was stressful and heart wrenching.  The buyers did some very unethical things to our contract.  We lost out on money and were hurt by their actions.  There are some very greedy and dishonest people in this world!

3.  Tyler started a new job at Continuum.  He is excited to work with this small company.  Our friend, Matt Harward, offered him this new position to work the West territory.   He was also accepted into the U of U Executive MBA program which he is so excited about.  We are still prayerfully considering.  It would cost $70K, which is a huge chunk of money!

4.  Something really fun that happened was that Tyler and I, in typical fashion, got ourselves in a predicament.  When we were in Utah house hunting, he took me to the airport to fly back home.  We realized right when I was getting out of the car that he forgot his car key for me to drive it home from the airport.  We were freaking out because I was landing at 11:30 at night!  I told him I'd figure it out and ran inside to catch my flight.  Before getting on the plan, I put a shout out to my RS friends on Facebook: "Attention night owls: (I explained the situation).  I will provide a pedi for anyone who is willing to come pick me up."  Within 1 minute I had a response from Michelle Howard that she would love to come get me.  Then another friend jumped on saying "no fair, I wanted to do it".  I was relieved and grateful that I had a ride and my phone battery died.  When I landed Michelle was there, and so was Patrice who saw the message and wanted to come along.  When we pulled up to my house, there were 5 other women there with a box of donuts to greet me.  Apparently, the thread continued on FB and one friend mentioned a yummy donut shop near the airport, and others chimed in saying they wanted to party that night, so Lei Strueling drove at midnight with her teenage daughter 30 minutes to pick up these donuts and arranged with the other women to meet at my house.  They stayed with me until 1:30 am chatting.  I will never forget this fun, loving act of kindness towards me!

It will be hard to say goodbye to our dear friends here in Austin.  We have really enjoyed living here. We will miss our ward, and boating on the lake as a family.

I am grateful for the experiences of moving and knowing so many different people in my life.  Each place I've lived I have connected with people that have taught me so much and impacted my life for the better.  It will be interesting to see what the Lord has in store for us in Utah.  I've been so focused on this move in regards to my parents, that I hadn't really thought about my own little family- besides finding a good place for us to live.  My dad gave me a beautiful father's blessing when we were in Utah house hunting (my sweet parents met me there to help look).  Through that blessing I realized that our move to Utah is so much more than just providing a dignified home for my parents.  My little Mons family has a purpose there as well and the Lord has a work for us to do.  It was one of the most powerful blessings I have received.

The theme for my life seems to be, "I Stand All Amazed".  As Tyler and I grow and progress, we look back at our life experiences as individuals, as a couple, and as a family, and we can see how the Lord has woven and shaped our lives into something so beautiful.  Even through our hardest of times.  The Lord is so good to us.  I truly stand amazed at all of the details he is involved in our lives.  He has blessed us so abundantly.  He has stood beside us through every step.  He is a loving father who cares deeply and intimately about each of us!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Winding Down with February

Goal Report:

I have been struggling with some of my goals.  The hardest one for me right now is regular exercise.  I don't feel like doing it, and I don't feel real well.  I feel that something is "off" with me and am seeing a doctor to try to get back on balance.  Maybe a thyroid or hormonal issue.

I did a terrible job of reading my scriptures and having meaningful prayer.  That could be the reason why I had a rough week- I did not handle life as peacefully and lovingly as I do when I am in tune.

Budget- gotta get back on track and keep up with it.

I am doing great with my pictures, which gives me peace of mind.  I am about to finish the book on Columbus and was excited that I answered 3 Jeapordy from what I learned these past 2 months from my non fiction reading.  I get smarterer and smarterer every day!


*I got to take a last minute trip to CA to visit my parents.  Just me and my mom and dad.  That is rare when you are grown and have your own family.  We laughed, had great meaningful talks, and laughed some more.  I love my parents.  They are fun to be around and such good listeners.  They are my biggest cheerleaders and care about every part of my life.  I'm so blessed to be born of goodly parents.  I can't wait to live by them.
We found the perfect beanie to go with a long standing family inside joke.

*Logan just completed Missionary Week with the youth of the Stake.  They had several challenges and Logan made a personal goal to complete 1500 "points" based on different tasks to complete.  He not only met it, but exceeded his goal.  He handed out 4 Book of Mormons, a pass along card and read his scriptures every day.  I was so impressed and pleased with his efforts.  I hope this experience helped his desire to serve a full time mission.  Only 4 years away!
Cutest 3 year old ever!

*Jake had his 3rd birthday party!  I planned a special outing with his cousins- the Carters, Bea and Abe, and Fred's boy Jake.  We went to Rollie Polly's and then to the park for a "Bear Hunt" picnic.  Jake's grandparents were there, as well as Shannon.  Tyler was able to join us for the picnic and was so helpful.  He is great with the kids and had them squealing and laughing.  Jake was such a gracious birthday host, thanking everyone for coming and having the sweetest manners.  He even takes the time to stop and read the cards before opening his presents.  What kid does that?!?
The many faces of Harrison as he makes a break away

*Mariah and Harrison are in their last week of basketball season.  Mariah had a great game on Saturday- I always enjoy watching her.  Harrison had an epic game.  Tyler has told all the kids the first to score 20 points in a game will get $20.  Harrison was determined to win the prize, and he did it with just 1 minute left in the game.  He was so excited!

Headed on a Frosty run

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Journey with Joseph Smith

I was born in the covenant.  As a lifelong member of this church, I have always understood and accepted that Joseph Smith was the prophet of the Restoration.  I didn't necessarily have a spiritual experience where I sought to know for myself and received confirmation.  It was just something I accepted because it made sense to me, like accepting that water from the faucet comes from pipes buried in the ground.  Just didn't think about the hows and whys too much.

At this time in the world where technology is advanced, and social media has taken over the world, information (and misinformation) spreads like wild fire.  It's a good and bad thing.  Recently, Joseph Smith's journals have been released along with other journals of the early members of the church, which seems to be a blessing and a curse for members- especially lifelong members like me who have always accepted him as a prophet.  This new information is great because we are able to learn so much more about the people.  Along with good and helpful information, a lot of controversial material has popped up that has shaken the testimonies of many of our membership.

I have been unaffected by this until recently.  A friend of mine on Facebook, Sylwia Hardman (a friend from Iowa) posted that she has received personal revelation that polygamy was not of God and it was the evil practice of men.  Her comment received over 300 comments with people agreeing and disagreeing with her.  I got sucked into it and for the first time- started getting doubts in my mind as to the character and motives of Joseph Smith.  Sylwia is an amazing woman with the desire to bring equality to all of God's children.  Reading the journals that were released shook her testimony to the core.  She read of Joseph having not only a few wives, but multiple ones, some as young as 14 and even ones that were married but had husbands abroad.  It is no longer heresay, it is actually printed in these journals, and the church has validated that these are authentic records.

Disturbing, right?  Her discovery of these journals has led her to denounce Joseph Smith as a true prophet saying that he had revelation from time to time but that basically he went rogue and lost his mind "like so many other prophets" and even implied that his martyrdom was God's way to remove his from the earth because he moved so far from God's teachings.

It has always been hard for me to read criticisms about a church that I love with all of my heart.  I usually do not entertain this type of material at all.  But this time, I really wanted to see what people were saying.  I am seeing within the church and even in my ward people falling away because of all of the literature there is against the church.  Good people who have been stalwart members are struggling in their testimonies.  Many feel that they've been lied to by the church all these years and feel resentful.

After reading Sylwia's thread, I found myself thinking, questioning and feeling uncomfortable about some of the facts of Joseph's life that don't make sense to me in this day and age.  By choosing to read and follow her thread, I put myself in a place where I need to truly seek for myself and not just "accept" that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.

Elder Andersen of the Apostles said, "Why does the Lord allow the evil speaking to chase after the good? One reason is that opposition against the things of God sends seekers of truth to their knees for answers."

This is exactly the affect it had on me.  It is time to seek the truth- not from reputable sources, or even eyewitness journals from Joseph's day.  I turned to the One with all intelligence and with perfect love for me whom I trust to tell me truth.  I turned to God.

I am still on this journey.  My prayer to know if Joseph died as God's true prophet was uttered this week.  I have a lot to learn, but here is what God has revealed to me so far:

1. Joseph Smith lived and died a man of virtuous character.  Yes, there are journal accounts from those days by others who may have claimed him to be otherwise.  But there is also much recorded by those who knew him intimately and they have always testified that he was a man of God.  I know that if all who encountered me wrote in their journals regarding the decisions I've made, or judged my character that there would be negatives written about me- especially by people who didn't really know me well or understood me.  And I'm just Robyn, not a public figure.  One who was closest to him and worked by his side and knew him in his personal life was John Taylor (who was with Joseph when he died).   “I testify before God, angels, and men, that [Joseph] was a good, honorable, [and] virtuous man— … [and] that his private and public character was unimpeachable—and that he lived and died as a man of God.”  That is enough for me.  I too know that he lived and died a man of God.  I have received assurances that this is true.

2. What about polygamy?  I don't understand it fully.  I especially don't understand the fact that Joseph did have many wives and that it was difficult for Emma.  I don't think it was created by man like so many members struggling are claiming.  But I do feel uncomfortable with a lot of the facts- 14 year old wife? Married women?  I am still on the journey to know for myself.  But rather than doubting my faith in Joseph, I am doubting my doubts and seeking truth from God.  I understand that I will not fully understand the whys until I gain full knowledge in the next life, but I can receive reassurances while I'm here that it's ok not to understand it all and that not understanding does not mean that it was wrong.  

3. The Lord told Joseph through his messenger, Moroni, that Joseph's name would “be had for good and evil among all nations, kindreds, and tongues."  The Lord also tells us in scripture that "by their fruits ye shall know them."  I am not done in my journey with Joseph, but there are some things that I do know for sure:

The fruits that came from his life work are good.  They are the very things that have brought me such joy and fulfillment in my life and fruits that I recognize to be true and from God:.  The Book of Mormon,  The true church on the earth today, temple and saving ordinances, the priesthood, understanding of Christ's atonement.   I know without a doubt through my own life experiences and my own seeking for truth that these things are true- and they are all a product of Joseph's work.  How can all of these things be good and true and a blessing to my life, and come from an evil man?  It cannot be.

This week as I have prayed and searched the strongest feeling I had was this: Joseph's name will be had for good when Robyn Mons speaks of him.  I will not be one who contributes in evil speaking of someone who's life work brought fruit that has made my life joyful, peaceful, easier, happier and complete.  This does not mean that I am ignorant, or am in denial of his weaknesses as a person, or that I am in denial that reputable sources wrote things that put him in a bad light. I have turned to God who knows all and he has given me this assurance.  And that is enough for me.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Sick kids on the couch.  Lots of Netflix, saltines and Gatorade.
After 2 straight months of enjoying Tyler home without travel, he has hit the road.  It has been shocking to all of our systems.

He was gone all last week.  3 out of the 4 kids got sick.  Fever, vomit, you name it.  Caring for sick kids while keeping a house show ready and dragging them from their sick beds to the car for showings is just about as tiring and maddening as it sounds.  It was a rough week.  He came home for the weekend and leaves again Monday.

How's that to start a journal entry?  Now that I type this, I think I already wrote about it last week.  I guess that's how tough it was... but I will no longer dwell on it..

Recent News and Highlights:

1. Logan's school season for basketball comes to an end tomorrow.  Final game will be against Hudson Bend, our big rival.  Logan has mixed feelings about this.  With the upcoming move, it is that realization that this is it for balling in Texas.  He's made great friends and overall it has been a wonderful experience.

2. Mariah is always posting uplifting, spiritual meme's on her instagram account.  She is such a sweet missionary and just has a wonderful, uplifting spirit about her.  I'm proud of her.
Mariah is always anxious to support a good cause.  She is supporting a friend with a brain tumor and prays for her every day.  She is also passionate about supporting the girl scouts.

3.  Harrison entered a writing contest.  He's been really into drawing and writing little stories.  He has a brilliant mind, full of imagination and ideas.

4.  Jake is getting excited for his 3rd birthday.  He continues to speak way beyond his years and is a delight.  He recently attended his cousin, Bea's, 3rd birthday.  She had a purple party.  Of course it was done with class and very enjoyable.

5.  I've been touched to see Logan reach out to a friend, Dallin Potts.  He is a friend from church that Logan befriended when Dallin moved in.  They've had ups and downs in their friendship, and as of recent, Logan had distanced himself after feeling hurt and betrayed that Dallin didn't stand up for him at a friend's house.  At the same time, Dallin's family has been slipping from activity in the church.  We miss them!  Logan told me a few weeks ago that he keeps having dreams about Dallin and feels that Heavenly Father is prompting Logan to reach out to Dallin.  On his own, Logan has obeyed those promptings, even though he had hurt feelings and has been texting and inviting Dallin to various activities, communicating through Instagram, and being friendly at school.  It is these kinds of behavior and  character development that mean the most to me as a mother.  This means more to me than any academic, athletic or any other achievement.  I am learning that life is all about love.  And if we go through life- no matter how successful in wonderful ways, but never learn true charity, then it really amounts to nothing.  I am so touched that Logan is learning these things at this age.

6.  I am grateful to a loyal, faithful, family devoted husband.  He was in Las Vegas, otherwise known as sin city all last week for training meetings.  I did not worry once that he would do anything to compromise our relationship or his covenants with Heavenly Father and our family.  What a treasure, what a comfort to me.  This should be the way every priesthood holder, or any father should be to his family, but unfortunately in these days, it almost feels a rarity.  I thank the Lord every day for my good husband.

It's the little things that mean so much!